Meet The Girls

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ready for the Club!!!

Today was a great day at the farm! This morning we got a feed delivery which meant a visit from Logan and Randy who were as always delightful. lol Later Pickles decided he was a jumper of olympic proportions and jumped out of his pasture into the pasture boarders pasture, which he also jumped out of! After Pickles was caught and accounted for Holly and I went into town for lunch and a trip to the bank. When we got back we fed and waited for our lesson to start. When it was 5:30 and time to start it was still raining so Niki, Sarah, and I had an unmounted lesson and learned all kinds of neat tricks to improve our riding! By the way we need to welcome Sarah and Lexi to the group! They are both very nice and lots of fun, and will be riding with us in our big group lesson. After it stopped raining we all got on bare back and had the rest of our lesson. We trotted and practiced our emergency dismounts from the walk and trot. I even did one from the canter by accident. I rode Amador, Niki rode Tansey, Sarah rode Riley, and Lexi rode Pickles. We had so much fun as you can probably tell from the pictures. Niki fell off when Tansey spooked but was a real trooper and got back on, mud and all. Way to hang in there Nik. Amador wore a bareback pad with purple flames all over it was so cool and we were all joking about him being ready to go out on the town and that he looked like a pimp lol (hense the name of the post) Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

mmfarms said...

FYI.. it's Lexy with a "Y".